Let's build a better future!

Our Mission

Leading Excellence. Driving Results.

At edge, we champion diversity among our community of leaders. Harness collective insights, accelerate organizational growth, and empower your leadership journey. We provide transformative insights tailored for today's executives, fostering both personal advancement and organizational success.

Our Core Values

Trust: We operate with transparency and integrity, fostering an environment where our community can rely on our word and actions.

Continuous Learning: Embracing perpetual growth, we recognize that evolving knowledge is the cornerstone of leadership success.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: We celebrate the varied backgrounds and perspectives within our community, ensuring that every voice is heard, valued, and treated equitably.

Collaboration: Understanding that collective wisdom is powerful, we champion synergy and teamwork to drive results.

Our Founder and Chief edge Officer

Shima Fasihi (She/Her) brings a wealth of experience from diverse industries, including e-commerce, logistics, and retail, showcasing a leadership journey that spans both large-scale corporations like Cymax Group Technologies Inc. and boutique businesses such as Lussobaby retail stores. This varied background and two decades of experience have cultivated a deep, nuanced understanding of the crucial impact that personal and professional development has on an organization.

With her sharp business acumen and supported by a world-class advisory board, Shima has curated edge's groundbreaking programs alongside industry experts. These initiatives, rigorously developed to meet contemporary market demands, are engineered to elevate your company's top talent and align seamlessly with Shima’s commitment to leading with excellence and driving better results to the bottom line.